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Here you'll find all the latest posts from our on-the-road volunteers.

Chabad of RARA in Shepparton, VIC, Australia.


Did you know that Shepparton was once home to a large Jewish community? Starting in the early 1900's, there were many Jewish farmers and tradespeople in the region. By the time the 1970's came along, most of the Jewish people had relocated to Melbourne.

Fast forward to 2023, and Rabbis Pinchos and Yaacov have spent the past three days visiting Jewish people that are still living in Shepparton today, some still in the fruit growing business!

The numberd may have dwindled, but the connections only get stronger.

It has been a busy start to the rabbis trip. They'll be heading to Bendigo for the weekend. Follow along to see where their next calling will be to after that.






Come join Chabad Malvern this Shabbat!


 If you are around, come join Chabad Malvern this Shabbat! 


Rabbi Pinchos Sudak and and Rabbi Yaacov Brooks


Welcome Rabbi Pinchos Sudak (left) and Rabbi Yaacov Brooks. Both hailing from the United Kingdom, they have just arrived in Australia and will be traveling through regional Victoria and South Australia to visit people in those beautiful areas.




Around 150 Jewish people are living in Darwin, a tiny semi-tropical city that lies north of Australia’s expansive Simpson Desert.

Yet on Friday afternoon on the foreshore of the Arafura Sea, the community held a protest calling for the immediate, and unconditional release of all hostages, particularly the children.

“It's ridiculous that there are a whole bunch of kids who are stuck in a dark tunnel, away from their family, and loved ones,” said Rabbi Menachem Aron.

After over a month of the children being held hostage, the community felt that a public display was critical, and could no longer remain silent.

“The Northern Territory is Australia’s equivalent of the Wild West, so we had no idea how people would respond.  There are the cowboys to the west, bikie gangs to the south,”  Rabbi said.

As people wandered by, many stopped momentarily to look at the faces of the children in the posters.

Not one poster was ripped, there was no abuse, the police didn’t have to be called to help. The only comments were to show support for the release of the hostages taken by Hamas terrorists and their families.

The Darwin Jewish community is a small community that meet a few times a year to celebrate Jewish festivals and other celebrations. There is no synagogue, no permanent Rabbi, and absolutely no resources. Without a community structure, the Government wouldn't have approved permission to hold the protest. 

Thankfully the Zionist Federation of Australia came to the rescue sponsoring the event.  They offered to organize security even though only a handful of people were expected to turn up.

"Darwin Radio 1049Mix gave their time to interview me about the event.  We were amazed as people drove from the other side of town to show support.", Rabbi said.

Support came from members of a local church, and a First Nations woman whose grandfather was Jewish. She said she felt very connected to the Jewish people and held the Israeli flag high for all to see.

“For the people of Israel, from the outback of the Northern Territory of Australia we send our love,”  said Marilynne, an American, British Jewish Australian.


Well done to the local Darwin community for putting this incredible display of support together!

Pictured: Members of the Darwin Jewish community stand near a display of posters depicting children that are being held hostage in Gaza











Which one is it?

And is it a menorah, or a chanukiah?

Either way, it's time to get ready for the festival of lights, which begins on Thursday evening, 7 December 2023.

Let us know if you need some candles or a Menorah and we'll pop them in the mail for you.



Where will you be celebrating?



  We will light the first Chanuka candle in three weeks from tonight!

Rara at the Chabad gathering in New York



At the recent Chabad gathering in New York, Rabbi Menachem Aron spoke to a reporter at the JTA about Jewish people in rural Australia wanting to connect even more during these times. 

Read it here: 

The RARA Mitzvah Mobile at one of the Israel rallies in Melbourne



Photo: Pinni Biber 

The RARA Mitzvah Mobile was present at one of the Israel rallies in Melbourne, helping attendees put on Tefillin and do a Mitzva for Israel. 

Pictured here is Rabbi Menachem Aron with his brother Akiva, in between Tefillins. 

Every Mitzva (=positive action) we do is a great merit for those on the front lines.

Join us for Shabbat


Anyone in Bowral NSW want to join a Shabbat meal tonight with our Rabbis?

You'll have a great time!

Officeworks is not just for office supplies!




Our Rabbis were delighted to bump into Josh earlier today and catch up very quickly.

You never know where your next Jewish encounter might be! 


United for Israel



Spread the word! Join the largest virtual Challah bake for Israel with Australia and New Zealand this Thursday evening (TONIGHT!) at 6:30pm.

✨Pray for the safety of our Chayalim and the safe return of our hostages. ✨Register for Zoom event, make Challah, and do the mitzvah as one. Recording available if you can't attend live. ✨Let’s stand together in unity. Am Yisrael Chai! 


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