
Latest RARA News

Welcome to the Chabad of RARA News page.

Here you'll find all the latest posts from our on-the-road volunteers.

Purim Preparations: Where Will You Be Celebrating?

Purim is nextweek!!!

Where will you be celebrating?

Pictured: a Purim booklet, a bag of yummy Glicks Hamentashen, and a very loud noise maker to drown out the wicked Haman's name.


Coming Soon: A Special Giving Campaign Video


Working on an exciting video for our upcoming giving campaign.
Stay tuned...!

— at Caulfield Park


Explore the New RARA Online Shop: Mezuzahs, Prayer Books, and More!


Mezuzah? Check.

Prayer Book? Check.

Informative Jewish Books? Check.

There is this, and lots more to browse on the new RARA online shop.

Just launched today, you can head over and see what's available right now.

Check it out now:


Purim Celebrations Across Australia: Get Ready to Dress Up and Join the Fun!


Purim is coming right up!

Stay tuned for details on celebrations taking place in Geelong, Newport, and Dandenongs VIC.

As well as Blue Mountains, Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour NSW

And also Toowoomba QLD.

And maybe even Darwin NT!

What are you dressing up as?

Photo: Rabbi Menachem & Shevi Aron and children Levik and Chaya Mushka celebrating Purim in the Sunshine Coast QLD last year.


Keeping Tradition Alive: A Heartwarming Mezuzah Visit in Preston, VIC


Today, Rabbi Menachem visited Ben, who's just moved to Preston VIC - about a 20 min drive out of the city.

Ben grew up in Warrnambool, 3.5 hours away. RARA has been visiting his family since before he was born (!). Now he's just starting uni in the city, and he's rented his own place with some mates. Ben called last week and asked if we could come by to put up a Mezuzah for him.

This was so touching - Ben's enthusiasm to keep his Judaism going, even as he started this very busy chapter in his life was such an inspiration!

Kol Hakovod!


Tu B'Shvat: Lessons from Trees for a Meaningful Life


Today is Tu B'Shvat - the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat.

This day marks the beginning of the year for all trees, as mentioned in the Mishna.

Here's some great lessons that our friends at Hunter Chabad shared that we can learn from a tree.

There are so many beautiful messages that we learn from Tu B’Shvat - the new year for Trees and today was a wonderful reminder of so many:

- Strong roots foster strong growth 

- The right nutrients are vital for life

- A tree will flourish best when planted amongst others.. but not too close or it’ll be stifled

- In the winter, it seems gloomy and dark, but deep beneath the soil, the seed is germinating, life is beginning... A process that will only be evident months later when it sprouts in spring. How often do we feel slumped in worry or fear, and yet forget that this is our winter- great things are germinating that will explode forth with life and beauty in spring!




Chabad of RARA Annual Giving Campaign: Save the Date!



The Chabad of RARA annual giving campaign will take place in just over 1 month, on Sunday and Monday, 12-13 March 2023.

To become a sponsor of this year's campaign, please reach out to us today.

We are so appreciative of all the kind people that ensure no Jew is ever left behind. Thank you for your kind support!

Picture: Rabbis Meir and Avrehmi with Morry in regional VIC.

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Celebrating Two Decades of Service to Rural and Regional Australia


Give this a listen!

Maurice Klein speaks with Rabbi Menachem Aron, Director Chabad of RARA (Rural And Regional Australia), who has spent over 20 years serving the needs of Jewish people living in the rural and regional parts of Australia.

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Remembering the Legacy of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson


On the back of the RARA Mitzva tank, on the top right-hand side, there is a photo of a rabbi with a white beard. This rabbi is Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, better known simply as "the Rebbe" by thousands across the globe.

Today, the tenth day of the Jewish month of Shevat, marks 73 years since the Rebbe took on the leadership of the Chabad movement.

Based in Brooklyn, New York, the Rebbe created a worldwide movement of outreach, empowering men, women, and children to "go out" and meet other Jewish people and reconnect them with their faith and with their heritage.

He sent people to countries far and near, to places where no one would have dreamed there could be a Jewish community. But today, looking around the world, Chabad is a household term, and the services that Chabad provides aid people of all colours and stripes in making this world a better place.

It is with this mission that Chabad of RARA, and many other Chabad's around the world, find the motivation and willpower to be there for so many.

The Rebbe saw the good in every person, and saw not what they are, but what they could become.

Today, make an effort to reach out to another, and see how you can strengthen Jewish life wherever you are.


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