You're at the right place to find all the information that you need for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot of 5785/2024

Click here to order a Yizkor candle and booklet

Click here to order a Lulav and Etrog

Click here to donate to the RARA High Holiday appeal

Find a High Holiday service near you:

Newcastle NSW:


Mullumbimby NSW:


Gold Coast QLD:


Brisbane QLD:

Please contact Rabbi Levi Jaffe for information on services
0419 136 451


Sunshine Coast QLD:


Cairns QLD:


Launceston TAS:


Ballarat VIC:


Celebrate the High Holidays at the historic Ballarat shul.

Traditional heimishe services.

No charge for seats.

For full list of service times for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, please register:

[email protected]